
Update Your Contact

If there is any change in your email, phone number and correspondence address, please inform us IMMEDIATELY by email (ugapp2@cuhk.edu.hk), stating your full name and application number in the email subject line.

  • Further information on the admissions events/activities will be emailed to you and updated on this website in due course. Please check back regularly.
  • To prevent our messages being mislabeled as spam, please add our email addresses (ugadm2@cuhk.edu.hk and ugapp2@cuhk.edu.hk) to the contact list of your email accounts.
  • As most of the communications regarding your application and the events/activities will be sent through emails, you are strongly advised to update and provide us with more than one email address (preferably by different email service providers), in case our message is undeliverable to your current email account.
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